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Here's What We Do

Steps to Your Recovery

The Foundation for Life is a twelve-month, faith-based, residential recovery program for men, who WANT help with their addictions to drugs and/or alcohol. The Foundation is a working program, and all clients will find and maintain full-time employment, and be responsible to support the financial requirements of the program.


Our forty-bed facility is dedicated to treating the four facets, Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Emotional of those men in our care. Our program offers a Christian based, sober environment that requires twelve step meeting attendance, group and individual counseling and spiritual growth. To ensure further safety of our residents, any member who relapses while living on our property is asked to leave immediately.


The Foundation for Life Ministries is a private, non-profit 501(c) 3 organization that strongly believes in our twelve month structured re-entry program. Our three-phase approach to recovery requires each man to progress through the proven 12-step program of recovery, and as a result have a spiritual awakening.

Step One: Orientation/Transitional (First 3 Months)

The client will learn how to live and interact with others in a communal environment and to transition from active addiction to active recovery. Each client will do the following:

Break denial and develop honesty

Have needs assessed (i.e.: health issues, legal issues, I.D., clothing, etc.)

Procure a sponsor to assist him through the 12-steps

Complete the first 3 steps of recovery

Attend life skills classes (i.e.: nutrition, budgeting, employment, etc.)

Find and maintain full-time employment.

Be current on program fees

Step Two: Active Recovery (Next 3 Months)

Active recovery is when abstinence, new thinking, attitudes and behaviors start to help the addicted person realize they can live a clean and sober life. Their goals:

Re-assess their needs, i.e. (health issues, legal issues, mental health, etc.)

Continue through steps 4-7 with their sponsor.

Establish a "home-group" and/or "home church" and attend regularly.

Develop new contacts within the recovery and Christian community.

Step Three: Ongoing Recovery and Re-entry Planning (Final 6 Months)

Ongoing recovery indemnifies abstinence and the development of a clean and sober life. The focus at this point in the program is on spiritual growth, giving back to the community, planning for their transition to self-suffiency. Flexibility for work and meeting/church schedules is available to clients at this phase. Their goals:

Active participation in their "home group" and/or "home church"

Continue through the final steps 8-12 with their sponsor.

Develop a balanced meeting schedule with their work and social life.

Begin planning their exit strategy, i.e. (where, when, how, why, etc.)

Start a savings plan of 10% minimum of their income.

Re-assess their exit needs, i.e. (drivers license, continued counseling, shelter, further education, family re-integration, etc.)


At each phase the Foundation will assess the clients progress, and determine if the individual has completed these goals, if not then determine why, and assess if the Foundation will be of further benefit to the client or if the clients needs would be better met in another setting.

​© 2014 Foundation for Life Ministries Inc.

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